It’s begining to feel a lot like…

Whole Bean Coffee


Ugh, Christmas in Starbucks. How evil.

Cranberry Bliss Bars. Pure evil.

Retail as far as the eye can see. Hideous

Busy mornings becoming even busier. Unforgiving.

As easy as it is to be so unexcited for the malicious holidays, I always try to remember that it isn’t about us. It’s not even about others, and the spirit of giving. It’s about an even bigger gift, so big that we cannot fathom the greatness, the magnanimity of. I know that Thanksgiving hasn’t even passed, but after hours on end spent setting up all the retail and Christmas music on repeat, I just wanted to blog all my frustration and put it all out there so I don’t go on this bitter downward spiral.

Thank you for reading. And end rant.